Mutty's Pride
Blues & Blues, LTD.

Since 2011, Saba C-Transport, N.V. has been the local shipping agent for Blues & Blues, LTD., an innovative shipping company which operates the cargo vessels, Mutty's Pride and Captain Chrissy. Shipments are received by Swift Shipping Agency located in Port de Galisbay, Saint Martin.
The Mutty's Pride travels from Saint Martin to Saba every Wednesday providing consistent and reliable service to Saba on a weekly basis.


Mutty's Pride Schedule
The Mutty's Pride travels from Saint Martin to Saba and Sint Eustatius every Wednesday
providing consistent and reliable service to Saba on a weekly basis.
Departs : Port de Galisbay, St. Martin on Tuesdays pm
Arrives : Fort Bay, Saba, Dutch Caribbean on Wednesday am
Departs : Fort Bay, Saba, Dutch Caribbean on Wednesday afternoon
Arrives : Sint Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean on Wednesday afternoon
Cargo shipments accepted at Swift Shipping in Port de Galisbay, St. Martin on:
Mondays: 8am - 2pm | Dry goods
Tuesdays: 8am - 4pm | Frozen, Chill and Dry goods
Wednesdays: 8am - 2pm | Dry goods
Thursdays: 8am - 2pm | Dry goods
Fridays: 8am - 2pm | Dry goods
When ordering dry goods, please remind the store that you are shopping with that they are welcome to deliver any day during the week according to the schedule above.
Thank you for your understanding, your full cooperation is greatly appreciated.
*There are no storage fees for shipments received in advance of Tuesdays.
Deliver Cargo to: Swift Shipping
Mondays: 8am - 4pm | Dry cargo
Tuesdays: 8am - 4pm | Frozen, Chill & Dry cargo
Wednesdays: 8am - 2pm | Dry cargo
Thursdays: 8am - 2pm | Dry cargo
Fridays: 8am - 4pm | Dry cargo
‼️ NOTICE ‼️
Help us curb the influx of delivery trucks that arrive all at once.
Place your orders early to ensure prompt delivery.
Swift Shipping will receive, secure and hand over your cargo to the vessel on loading days (Tuesday’s) at no additional cost.
Shipments be delivered must be properly wrapped and labeled with shipper, consignee and cargo destination information.
The safety of everyone is our primary concern.
We are counting on your full cooperation!🤗
Swift Shipping Agency
📍Port de Galisbay
B.P. 43997055 Saint Martin Cedex
📱+590 590 87-01-44 📧 swiftshippingsxm971@gmail.com

If you would like a shipping quote, please feel free to email us the details of your shipment including destination, commodity, cubic footage and weight details.
Shipping to Saba:
Swift Shipping Agency is the St. Martin agent for Blues & Blues, LTD. ~ Mutty's Pride.
Send deliveries to Swift Shipping Agency.
All shipments must be properly packaged and labeled with the name of whom you are shipping it to on it.
Two copies of an invoice should be submitted when delivering shipments.
Customs requires an invoice with the price of the goods, not just a packing slip.
Please be advised that shipments without pricing listed may be held by customs until an invoice with pricing is submitted. You may submit an invoice directly to the customer.
Picking up your shipment in Saba:
In an effort to ease the process of picking up shipments from Mutty's Pride at Fort Bay, please follow these suggestions:
Shipments can be collected Wednesdays from 7:30 am until 11:00 am.
All shipments must be cleared with customs before they can be released. Be prepared to complete a Declaration of Debt for any ABB tax, if applicable. Any item(s) not picked up by 11:00 am will be held by customs in their holding container.
Please note that the customs holding container is not a storage container. A transfer fee from the vessel to the customs holding container will apply.
Additional delivery service or storage options are also available upon request.
Please take note of the following changes to the policies and procedures for Mutty's Pride, effective October 3rd, 2011:
All cargo must be accounted for, inspected, and collected by no later than 11:00 am.
All cargo must be picked up by no later than 11:00 am.
Missing or damaged items must be reported directly to the Agent prior to departing from Fort Bay. Saba C-Transport, N.V. will notify all customers via email when items are reported missing in order to locate missing items more efficiently. We kindly ask that you check your inventory, in the event that you have the aforementioned missing items in your possession. If you do, simply reply to the email so that we may contact the appropriate owner. Likewise, if you received items in your shipment that you did not order, please send us an email in the event it belongs to someone else.
All claims must be completed at Fort Bay by no later than 11:00 am. Blues & Blues LTD, Mutty's Pride, and /or Saba C-Transport, N.V. is not responsible for any items after they are removed from the pier, transported by third parties, held by customs, or for any items that are not collected after vessel departure.
Shipping to Saint Martin:
Saba C-Transport, N.V. accepts shipments at the Fort Bay to Saint Martin on Wednesdays from 7:30 am until 10:00 am.
All shipments must be properly packaged and labeled with the name of whom you are shipping it to on it.
All shipments to Saint Martin must be cleared by customs before they can be accepted by Saba C-Transport, N.V.
Kindly confirm the schedule of the Mutty's Pride with the arrival date to Saint Martin as their schedule is subject to change.
New Vehicle Import Procedures
Effective as of October 18, 2021
Kindly note that all vehicles being shipped to Saint-Martin must first be authorized by the French Government in order to circulate on the territory. Customers would need to fill out the attached form and send it to the email stated below to obtain authorization.
Email: servicedestitres@com-saint-martin.fr
Shipping to Sint Eustatius:
Saba C-Transport, N.V. accepts shipments at the Fort Bay to Sint Eustatius on Wednesdays from 7:30 am until 10:00 am (or until the vessel departs).
All shipments must be properly packaged and labeled with the name of whom you are shipping it to on it.
All shipments to Sint Eustatius must be cleared by customs before they can be accepted by Saba C-Transport, N.V.
The Mutty's Pride will travel directly to Sint Eustatius and you can inform the consignee to collect the shipment from Carlye Shipping.
Payments for shipping can be made at the agency office located in the Harbour Offices Building at Fort Bay upon receiving your shipment(s) or at our office located in Windwardside, Saba.
Please issue checks payable to Blues & Blues, LTD. If you would like to make wire transfers, please contact us for banking details.
In the unfortunate event that you need to file a claim please follow these steps:
Report the issue to a Blues & Blues representative on the Fort Bay.
Complete the claim form and return to SCT and submit an invoice with your claim.
Please allow 30 days for all claims to be processed.
Thank you for shipping with us!

Local Agents:
Anguilla | Safe Cargo Services | www.safecargoaxa.com
St. Martin | Swift Shipping Agency | swiftshippingsxm971@gmail.com
Saba | Saba C-Transport, N.V. | www.sabaferry.com
Statia | Carlyle Shipping Services | +599-318-1916
St. Kitts | Coastal Shipping | +869-665-4728
Nevis | TDC | 869-469-0899